Itchen Valley Geography Trip: Year 3 & 4


As part of our Geography learning, Year 3 and Year 4 will be visiting Itchen Valley Country Park on Tuesday 11th March.

For more details please see description below.

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I confirm I have parental responsibility for my child and consent to them attending this trip.
My child is in good health and I consider him/her to be capable of taking part in this trip.
I confirm that I have reviewed the information shown on Parent Portal is complete and up to date. This covers medical, emergency contact information and photographic permissions. If any of the details I have agreed change between now and the trip, I will contact the school to ensure it is updated.
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SKU: 223-1-2-4-1-3-2-2 Categories: ,


In school, we have been studying the UK and different types of land use, and this trip will provide an opportunity for hands-on exploration. The children will be using maps, surveying traffic, and practising other fieldwork skills throughout the day. Should the weather be exceptionally poor, we will postpone to an alternative date.

Key Information:

  • Date: Tuesday 11th March.
  • Timing for the Day: Usual school timings apply.
  • Travel: Minibus
  • Cost: This trip is included in the Enrichment Fee and has no additional cost.

What Your Child Will Need:

  • Named wellington boots
  • A plastic carrier bag (labelled with their name)
  • School t-shirt and jumper
  • Black or blue jogging bottoms
  • A spare pair of trousers (in case of mud)
  • A packed lunch (brought from home)
  • A water bottle
  • A waterproof and warm coat
  • A small bag (to carry their belongings)

This will be an exciting and educational day for the children, and we appreciate your support in ensuring they are prepared for all weather conditions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs White and Mrs Lomath