GCSE History Trip – The Golden Hinde & Tower of London


Get ready to step back in time and experience the drama, power struggles, and daring adventures of Elizabethan England! Our GCSE class is diving deep into the reign of Elizabeth I, uncovering the religious turmoil, rebellions, and exploration that shaped her era.

For more details please see description below.

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When? Tuesday 25th March

Where? The Golden Hinde & The Tower of London.

What’s in store?

  • Tower of London: Walk the same halls as Elizabethan prisoners and explore how Elizabeth I maintained her grip on power. Step into the State Rooms for a glimpse of the grand lifestyles of the era.
  • Golden Hinde: Board Sir Francis Drake’s legendary ship and experience the thrills of exploration. We’ll even take part in an interactive Spanish Armada workshop – can you outmanoeuvre the enemy like Drake himself?

Cost: £37 (includes travel, entry, and workshops).

📅 Deadline for payment & consent: Friday 21st February – use the link below!

Key Information

🚌 Transport:

  • Normal school arrival and registration.
  • Departing at 9am from school via minibus to Southampton Airport Parkway.
  • Return at 6:41pm – pick up from the ticket office.

📱 Mobile Phones:

  • Bring a fully charged phone (for emergencies only).
  • We will swap numbers on the train.

🥪 What to Bring:

  • Food: Packed lunch & refillable water bottle.
  • Clothing: School PE kit, waterproof coat, comfy walking shoes.
  • Extras: Notebook & pen, phone (if they have one), spending money (gift shops & McDonald’s on the way home).

This is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in Elizabethan history! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or call 023 8060 0986.