GCSE Drama and History Group Theatre Trip at The Mayflower, Southampton


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Drama: It is required by the AQA exam board that students attend a theatrical performance for the final section of their written paper on live theatre. We are excited to be taking the students to watch the National Theatre’s production of War Horse.

History: During the Autumn Term of Year 9, students will be studying World War One. We will consider the causes, progression and some of the battles of the War, as well as the consequences on Europe. War Horse gives a fantastic overview of several aspects of the war: the progression of fighting techniques, how animals were used, as well as the emotional and physical impact of the war on soldiers. We are so pleased that War Horse is coming to the Mayflower in October as it links brilliantly with our topic in History and we’re excited to join with GCSE Drama to offer it as a trip to Year 9 students.

Date: Thursday 17th October, 2pm

Show:  War Horse – Mayflower Theatre

Collection: Students to be taken by minibus from school, collected by parents at 5pm from theatre

Cost: The cost of this trip is £23.50.

Clothing: Students are required to wear their usual school uniform for this trip.

Medication/Travel Sickness

If your child suffers from travel sickness please hand their travel sickness medication to the office on the morning of the visit in a clearly labelled packet including a written note giving us permission to administer the medication.

All other medication must be registered with the school office and will not be allowed to be given without prior consent.

Please complete the online consent form below (if you are happy for your child to attend), no later than Monday 1st July 2024. This information is required in order to confirm numbers with the venue.

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